“We are a destination that has great potential with the sporting venues our city has, as well as the new development in our downtown districts. The platform that Playeasy provides is one of the top ways for us to promote our events & city to people & organizations who would likely not have found us. We have had events blossom in ways we never could have dreamed of & a lot of that success must be given to Playeasy.” – Robert Anders (Brownwood TX Sport Coordinator)
Robert works for Brownwood, TX who has a population size of roughly 18,500. Not the biggest destination (biggest heart though!). He’s found value on Playeasy by taking advantage of the tools at hand to grow his community and get time back.
Robert consistently markets Brownwood’s sports events on Playeasy. As a result, they’ve reached the #1 trending destination multiple times. This not only helps them stand out from the crowd to generate more qualified leads, but also boost registration and ticket sales for their partners.
Every piece of content on Playeasy is SEO-optimized to get found across the internet. So by marketing your events on Playeasy, they’re found higher on Google searches when people look for new events (hence more eyeballs on your events).
Visitor guides are great for showcasing things to do in the area. Yet, it’s tough to track which businesses are getting the most attention from a PDF or handout. And it’s difficult to get sports families to take time to view these. The last thing you want is for your event attendees to stay in their hotel and just order a pizza. You want visitors to enjoy what your community has to offer and support your local businesses.
We look to solve this by giving attendees a smooth user experience on Playeasy to interact with these event pages digitally. They can interact with Brownwood’s local businesses, hotels, and promotions on one page driving more traffic to Brownwood’s website or external pages. Robert can then see real time analytics to track data of each business’ views or promotions redeemed. Some even use it as a virtual show-your-badge program. It gives Brownwood a way to promote their community to the sports audience months in advance. And proves their marketing impact on each business and hotel.
Going the extra mile like this gives the event organizer another reason to return next year.
You know what they say. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink. Well. Robert chugged the water and he’s crushing it. (Especially for such a small community which can struggle to stand out at sports conferences).
Hundreds of people like Robert are using Playeasy to both win new events and maximize their existing events. We’ve invested millions of dollars into our technology for that purpose right there. To provide technology that helps you do your job more efficiently and effectively. To help destinations through every step of the sports event life cycle.
Playeasy Growth
In 2023 we took big steps forward in every facet of our business. We launched 13 new features and products on our platform. Doubled our user base. More than tripled our user engagement. Partnered with 4 major industry leaders. And have taken a clear leadership role in the sports tourism technology market.
In 2023, Playeasy destinations on average received 123 new qualified RFPs. They also received an average of 841 potential events to host within these RFPs. And 2.5 million potential hotel room nights with an estimated economic impact of $647 million.
81 new destinations partnered with Playeasy in 2023 and we retained a 109% renewal rate. This means more customers upgraded their subscription from last year which is positive. Here’s some numbers to check out from our recent growth.
Lead Gen Data:
Number of RFPs in last 6 months: 268
Number of prospective events to host in last 6 months: 1,847
Estimated economic impact generated from RFPs in last 6 months: 1.58 Billion
Total Potential Hotel rooms in last 6 months: 6.32M
Cost effectiveness of Playeasy Lead Gen: Average cost per RFP on Playeasy: $40
– Average cost per lead at a Sports Tradeshow ranges from $333-$1,000+
**Based on average total cost / average total leads generated **
Total active event organizers: 614
New event organizers in the last 12 months: 242
Event organizers interested in the Northeast (459), Southeast (444), Midwest (410), Northwest (353), Southwest (389)
# of Playeasy event organizers who haven’t attended conferences: Approximately 450+
Number of unique visitors per month: 30k+
Number of website views per month: 100k+
Product Updates
‘Playeasy PEstimate’ – Economic Impact Estimator
Sourced from 20 years of data gathered from the Sports Facilities Companies, the PEstimate shows the estimated economic impact Playeasy leads could bring into host cities. This helps destinations make data-driven decisions before bidding on events.
Each destination also has a dashboard that breaks down the estimated economic impact across all their leads. Organizing this data will be important when going to your city or state for increased funding or feasibility projects. Click here to view more information about what data is included in the Playeasy PEstimate.
New State Pages
Playeasy custom state pages highlight the state’s destinations, sports facilities, and sports events all in one place. They include branded facility and event marketplaces for people to search within. And all state pages are automatically updated anytime a destination adds new content to their profile. Incredible marketing material for conferences for people to scan QR codes and be directly taken to the state page to see all content.
Here’s a link to check out Michigan’s state page.
New Website Integrations
Destinations and facilities can integrate Playeasy with their website in real time. You can sync your sports facilities, events, and local businesses to your website. All with a simple widget. It works on almost any website (doesn’t need to be Simpleview).
Anytime you add a new venue, event, or piece of content on Playeasy it syncs to your website in real time. This makes you more efficient and saves thousands on website development costs. Helps you not rely on IT for changes and it’s as easy as updating a Facebook profile.
Here’s an example of a facility website integration, events integration, and sports promotions integration.
Check out this article for a further breakdown of these new product launches.
What’s next?
Monthly Webinars and Open Office Hours
We’re hosting monthly “Open office hours” to hear feedback. This feedback will help us improve our client’s experience and refine our product. We’re also hosting members only monthly webinars with event organizers. Our most recent webinar was with 3STEP Sports… they posted 67 RFPs across 45 different brands (spanning 9 total sports) only to Playeasy. Next month’s webinar is with an Esports Organization… stay tuned!
More Simpleview Integrations
Many clients are already syncing leads to their CRM through the Simpleview integration. We’ll continue to improve upon this integration based on feedback. Expect to see further integrations with Simpleview this year.
Local Business Direct Promotion
Local businesses can see nearby upcoming events and promote discounts to event attendees themselves. There are currently 11 stand-out destinations involving their community to use this feature. This makes it easy for destinations to engage their local community around events to maximize the impact and increase the value they provide their partners. All tracked with analytics in real time.
Next Product Launch
We can’t unveil the next product launch quite yet… but it’s going to be massive. It has the potential to change the way the industry tracks certain data. The data most people get paid on… that’s all I can say for now.
Be on the lookout for more to come and a new success story soon.
Happy sporting,
P.S. Oh. And if you have any questions, shoot me an email at jhughes@playeasy.com . Or friend me on Linkedin to keep in touch – https://www.linkedin.com/in/jake-hughes-/