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Reebok Basketball Series

Reebok Basketball Series

Basketball Event Organization

About Reebok Basketball Series

Our vision is to empower our youth and our families through our growing programs and networks. We strive to empower our community by creating quality human experiences with multiple events and activities. Basketball is our fuel. We not only raise money to support our programs with our very organized basketball tournaments, we keep hundreds of kids every weekend off the internet, off the play station and off the street by running weekend long events. We also keep families together by providing low cost events. It’s all about keeping kids busy and families together. We cannot do this without gyms. We need gyms.

Mission statement

Isaiah’s Foundation and Kids and Families in Need are dedicated to helping families from St. Louis, St. Charles counties and Denver, Colorado. We offer assistance to those who are experiencing social, emotional, and economic challenges. We also offer the opportunity to play organized sports and we give referrals to training and social services. We are committed to offering assistance whenever families need us, wherever they may live and whatever they may be experiencing. We are now working together to assist Veterans.

Typical Event Information

Avg Events Per Year:


Traveling or Local:


Indoors or Outdoors:


Event Types


Locations Interested In




